Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A little project together with the lovely cococita from estudios de cococita.
She wrote the little 'haiku' (a kind of a little rhyme). I made the drawing to go with it.
Translation of the haiku in English:

'foxes perched on a tapestry of mosses, set- tled down in the wood'


  1. I feel so blessed to get the chance to work together with you! This is exactly how I was imagining the foxes, lying cosily and close to each other, when I wrote the haiku. Thank you so much for sharing and for this beautiful drawing of yours. I truly hope many will follow in the future!

  2. awwww, they are wonderful and haiku is lovely too! super collaboration!

  3. Thank you ladies! Elke, I feel blessed too, the most beautiful things can happen when people combine their creativity :-).

  4. beautiful! such a lovely collaboration! love love love. reminds me of the wee foxes I have from Nini, all cosy and cuddled like these two. SUPER! :)

  5. Oodles of awesome! Adore your foxes :) collaboration is a beautiful thing, thank you.
